Kollter USA is the US Distributor for Kollter Electric Motorcycles. Based in Southern California, the CEO and president of Kollter USA, John Calicchio, has over 50 years of motorcycle riding, racing, design & engineering experience, and fully recognizes Kollter motorcycles as cutting edge, state-of-the-art, high-quality machines.
Tinbot Technology GmbH was established in Germany in 2017, specializing in the manufacturihng of high quality electric scooters and other electric vehicles.​ Later in the year, Tinbot joined forces with Jiangsu Keyroad Transportation Technology Co, and KOLLTER Electric Motorcycles was born.
Kollter is an innovative technology company driven by the latest industrial design and cutting-edge technology. Focusing on smart travel, Kollter is committed to providing efficient and multi-dimensional solutions for urban travel, with a focus on keeping travel fun.
In December 2017, KOLLTER launched the first urban sports lithium straddle bike, E-SUM, at the Milan show in Italy, and sold it globally, aiming to become the most suitable urban sports vehicle for young people in the world. In 2019, the E-SUM hit the European market under three OEM names: Tinbot, Horwin, and Artisan, later entering the US market as the Kollter ES1.
The new 2021 and 2022 ES1 US models differ from these earlier models in that they are more than twice as powerful with an updated 320A FOC Vector controller, increasing speeds up to 65+ mph. These models also have two 4.7 KWH removable batteries that work in parallel, increasing the range to 60+ miles and can reach a full charge in under 4 hours.
Ever expanding, Kollter is set to release two new models later this year, the RS1 and the TS1 (Now both available for pre-order), and now has distributors all around the globe including USA, Asia, Africa, Europe, UK, Chile, Mexico, and Canada. See below for a complete list of Kollter distributors around the globe.


1281 Logan Ave.
Costa Mesa, California, 92626
Phone: 714 714 0240
Email: Sales@KollterUSA.com
4 Lupea Pl.
Makawao, Hawaii, 96768
Phone: (808) 419-8669
1 Parkvale Ave,
North Cheshire Trading Estate
Wirral, Mreseyside, CH43 3HE,UK
Phone: 0800 1588 264
Email: sales@artisanscooters.com
9 Rue Saint Jean
Vincelles, France, 89290
Phone: +33 6 83 45 68 78
Email: commercial@deltamics.com
Via Vedeggio 4, 6928
Manno, Switzerland
Phone: +41 91 611 50 90
Email: info@mosportgroup.ch
27 km MKAD, 1 TC "Formula X"
Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 499 681-70-51
Email: electron.motors@yandex.ru
289-5 Akin Olugbade St,
Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone: +2348174582225
Email: zeroemissions@siltechworld.com
Clara Celia Pardo # 49-A, Urb. San Geronimo
Santo Domingo, DN, Dominican Republic 10134
Phone: (809) 566-3210
Email: info@solectricrd.com
Alberto Llona 1097 Maipú
Santiago, Chile.
Phone: +562 2717 0999
Email: ventas@rojabe.com

336W 2nd Ave,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Phone: (604) 779 7995
Via Antonio Gramsci 6
51037 Montale Pistoia, Italy
Phone: +393331559543
Ji-Te Gatan 2, 265 38
Astorp, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0) 70-46 16 017
Email: purchase@swebike.se
Polg.Exfasa Nave 36, San Juan del Puerto (Huelva), Spain
Phone: (+34) 959 87 22 05
Email: contacto@gran-scooter.com
164 United Nations Street
Ate, Peru
Phone: +940184514
2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Csepeli út 62.
Phone: 0036309489602
Email: info@emoci.hu
M SAN Grupa d.o.o. / Buzinski prilaz 10 / 10010 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 1 6611 610
Email: msenergy@msan.hr
South Africa
Tel: +27 83 5140709 ( Mobile)
Email : jeann@versusglobal.com
South Africa
Tel: +27 83 5140709 ( Mobile)
Email : jeann@versusglobal.com